Introduction 2021 PRT

Introduction 2021 PRT

We have left 2020 behind with very few regrets. In the midst of this unusual and strange time for everyone, the prophets have endeavoured to hear God clearly for a prophetic word for 2021. We were warned in our “God Said 2020” publication of all the...

International relations

Africa The Lord says that He was very intentional in creating the relationships between China and other countries, specifically with the African continent. There is something that He wants to birth out of Africa going out into the rest of the world; they might see it...

Introduction 2020 PRT

We have once again gathered credible, trusted prophets from various cultures to hear from God for this God Said 2020 publication.  The prophets present all felt the same thing: God is requiring more from all of us. We need to act on His words and not just listen and...

Prayer pointers

The prayer pointers for 2019 show that the Lord is focusing on specific regions of the earth, which might also include ethnic groups. Therefore, he calls us to take note and focus on them in prayer and intercession. Prayer pointers: The EU God has called the EU to...

Introduction 2019 PRT

It is with great anticipation that we release the prophetic words given in God Said 2019! During the last eight years, we have seen many prophetic words that the Lord had given fulfilled with amazing accuracy and detail. Every year, as we gather to seek the Lord over...