
About Us

The Prophets Round Table consists of a group of prophets from diverse backgrounds and church affiliations. This group of prophets allows for the Holy Spirit’s unique input in order to publish the God Said series of books and prophetic words on this website. The Prophet’s Round Table’s vision is to be a credible prophetic voice to the nations and our nation of South Africa.

The Group meets once a year for a few days to receive prophetic impressions, visions and prophecies from the Holy Spirit. Although they hear God within a particular year, the word of God is ongoing and unlimited. The Group agrees that this is not a final product and God continues to speak through others and the Group continually. Participants of The Prophets Round Table, therefore, meet regularly throughout the year to check the fulfilment of the prophetic words.

1 Corinthians 13:9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part.
The Prophets Round Table team believes that they are responsible for the prophetic words they release, and keep each other accountable. They do their best but also understand that God uses many different people to prophesy on His behalf. They are blessed to be a small part of His voice to the Nations. 


1 Corinthians 14:29 Let the prophets speak two or three, while the rest pay attention and weigh and discern what is said.


PRT Logo Symbolism

  • The circular shape refers to the “round table” and the unity of purpose.
  • The 7 shapes making up the circle represents the 7 mountains of society that God has called us to speak into. These shapes are a minimalist abstract of an eagle diving
    down where the outward point is his head and the sharp inward point his tail. The 7 shapes, therefore, do not only represent the 7 mountains but also reference the eagle (prophetic) going for its target sent out from the circle.
  • The 7 colours used represent the major and most prominent colours (together with black and white) found in most international flags (South Africa included).
  • The 7 mountains have a dynamic of going to the centre and piercing into Gods revelation and then pointing outwards into different directions.
  • The white space (negative space) between the mountains and in the centre of the circle creates a flash of light representing revelation.
  • The empty top space (the 8th position) represents God (white). From His heavenly mountain, He speaks into the circle, causing the flash in the centre. Only by adding God at the top is the circle completed. His unseen Kingdom unifies all elements and catapults us out into all directions to effect His Kingdom’s purposes and revelation into this seen realm.

One of our team members, André Coetzee, designed the PRT logo.


 To develop a fellowship of Christian prophets and prophetic people, that collectively releases credible prophetic words, into all spheres of society – nationally, in Africa and internationally with the aim to equip the Body of Christ to establish God’s Kingdom on earth.



 To gather as Christian prophetic groups within South Africa, Africa and other nations, on a regular basis and record prophetic revelations, inspired by the Holy Spirit. We discern and review these prophetic revelations to develop credible prophetic utterances so that we:

  • Clearly communicate what we receive;
  • Release prophetic utterances to the nations; and
  • Establish God’s purposes through the Body of Christ.


Our values

  • Christ-centred
  • Bible-based
  • Integrity
  • Accuracy
  • Accountability
  • Unity


For more information please contact prophetsroundtable@gmail.com


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