
User Guide

The Prophets Round Table website contains the database of prophecies from 2014 onwards. These prophecies cover not only many different years but also countries, continents, and topics. Below is a short guide to assist you in navigating through this volume of work.

World Map User Guide

  • Click on a country
  • A window opens listing all prophecies that directly relate to the specific country

Custom Search Tool

  • Directly below the World Map
  • There are three separate search bars: Country | Topic | Year
  • You can select all three, which will provide a very specif result. Should your search criteria not have a prophecy linked to it, you will receive the message, “no results found.”
  • You can also select one search bar or a combination of two
  • Should your search be successful, a window opens listing all related prophecies

Standard Search Tool

  • Find it at the top right-hand corner of the home page
  • Type in any word you would like to search
  • Should your search be successful, a window opens listing all related prophecies

Should you experience any difficulties with the website, please get in touch with us by emailing us on prophetsroundtable@gmail.com