
The very calling of the prophet is, to be honest, and speak what God Said. Praying prophets that spend time in God’s presence will always hear His voice. When we hear His voice and His thoughts, we need to carefully consider what we share. We do need to learn diplomacy so we do not make people fearful of the prophet’s ministry.  This does not mean we compromise, but that we choose our timing and our words more carefully. We consider when we should speak and to whom. Hearing from God is the first step.  There are many more steps after this first step of listening and hearing prophetically before we speak out and announce our prophecy. 

We cannot disregard the feelings that people have and cut with the sword.  This sword is the Word of God.  Scripture from the Bible should always bring change and be shared with grace. Our sword of the word should bring healing as it cuts open the bad spots and releases wrong thinking, bad attitudes and whatever has been covered up. This is the sword the prophet should be holding and using. Not the sword of condemnation.  There is enough of that coming from the world.


Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is living and powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of the soul and the spirit, and of the joints and the marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”


This sword brings change and divides your thinking. It separates the truth from opinions and emotions. This division does not divide you from people. It divides what is inside your thinking and is done by the word of God.  This word may come in many different ways.  Through preaching, through a dream, a vision, a book you are reading. Even through advice and guidance from others.  If you are open to change and healing and remain teachable, you will be able to develop and grow. We often have blind spots and cannot see what we are doing wrong. This is where a prophetic word is like a golden apple set in silver and brings encouragement (Proverbs 25:11). 

I am sure none of us wants to be the person we were two, ten or even twenty years ago. We want to grow and improve and this is done by allowing the sword of the word of God to bring healing and change. Anita Giovannoni

Anita Giovanonni, the founder of Crocus Ministries, completed her Bible School training many years ago.  She then received a Bachelor of Ministry (Honours) degree a few years later. Anita is a credible prophetic voice in the nation of South Africa and overseas. As president of Crocus Ministries, she and the Crocus Ministries team have hosted conferences called ‘The Gathering of the Prophets’ for many years. She has a proven prophetic ministry spanning more than 35 years.