
Recently I was tasked with having to buy flowers to present to our pastor’s wife in a service for her birthday. A simple thing to do.  I was told she prefers non-traditional flowers. I also had a camp event that weekend so not much time to search for the right bouquet. As I rushed to find this perfect flower arrangement, with a vase, the day before the presentation, I kept asking the Lord to please help me find the right flowers. I also had a budget to consider.

I started my search by firstly going into a gift shop to look for a vase. They were either too expensive or not the right colour. Still asking the Lord to help me I decided to go and look for the flowers first, in a store a few shops down from the gift shop. As I walked in, there were three, yes only three, pre-arranged bouquets and the one I was looking for was right there,  in front of me. It was the perfect arrangement, perfect size and price, waiting for me. This is a very busy shop, well known for their flowers, and the owners arrange the bouquets fresh every day. That bouquet was already prepared that morning and waiting for me. The Lord had already perfectly prepared it, it was that easy. I bought the bouquet and went back to the gift shop to look for a vase again that would suit these flowers. The assistant who tried to help me earlier, saw the arrangement and colour and took me to a corner of the shop, and from the cupboard there, he took out a vase that matched the colour of the flowers and my budget. This perfectly prepared arrangement blessed me and our pastor’s wife.

This reminded me once again that the Lord knows what we need in advance, and he has already  perfectly prepared it for us. When we ask Him to guide us, He provides what is perfect for us without a struggle.

May we always remember that God understands us and our situations. May we always seek Him and put our faith in His provision. May we be encouraged and trust Him in the small and the big things in our day and in our lives.


Ephesians 2:10 (ESV) For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.


Mary Stamatiou has been involved with the Prophets Round Table since 2011 and served with many different people over the years.